Hiking in Ariège

Randonnées autour de Vicdessos en Ariège

The VICDESSOS, ideally located about a hundred kilometers south of Toulouse and about twenty kilometers from Foix, classified in 2009 as a Regional Natural Park, the territory of Auzat and Vicdessos offers grandiose natural spaces close to the campsite Bexannelle in Ariège.

With easy access, the valley sinks for 30 kilometers to the borders of Andorra and Spain dominated by the Pyrenean giants that are the Pique d’Estats (3,143 m), the peak of Montcalm (3,077 m) and the peak of Sullo (3,072 m).

To tackle these prestigious sites, a multitude of courses with stunning beauty, on more than 400 km of manicured and marked trails, between peaks and mountain ponds.

It is a well-preserved and privileged destination for all hiking enthusiasts, regardless of their level, from the family walk to the sporting ascents.

Discover, in the heart of the Ariège Pyrenees, the charms of outdoor sports in the Vicdessos mountains, the authenticity of its sites, and of course, the traditional mountain hospitality.

The Path of the Mine

  • Distance: 5.97km Positive level – 360m Negative level -362m Duration 2h35 Average
  • Departure: Departure to Vicdessos – 09 – Ariège

The path of the mines goes around, without leaving the woods, of the delicious valley of Shem. It is a question of following in the footsteps of the former miners of Rancié, following in the footsteps of the past.

vallée de sem
La Pique d’Endron Ariège

The Pique d’Endron

  • Distance: 9.13km Positive level – 995m Negative level -987m Duration 5h00 Difficult Difficult
  • Departure: Departure to Goulier – 09 – Ariège

The Pique d’Endron is a central lookout in Upper Ariège. You can see closely the Montcalm massif, the Bassiès massif with its storied lakes and you can see two large ponds: Gnioure with its small island and Izourt. The view to the north extends far away. The exit is relatively short but quite serious with its 1000m of vertical drop, its dizzying views and a small passage where you have to “put your hands”.

Bassiès Ponds

  • Distance: 11.99km Positive level – 864m Negative level -855m Duration 5h30 Difficult Difficult
  • Departure: au Auzat – 09 – Ariège

The granitic circus of Bassiès, next to the Montcalm massif, is impressive in its expanse and that of its lakes. Its access, on the right bank of the creek of Bassiès very deep, by a comfortable path but high lying, crosses a beautiful forest before leading to a rocky lock that announces the first pond. The descent takes place on the other side and, just as steeply, follows a well-maintained paved mule path.

Etangs de Bassiès
Pic de Cabanatous

Pic de Cabanatous by the bassiès ponds

  • Distance: 15.62km Positive level – 1187m Negative level -1187m Duration 7h15 Very difficult Very difficult
  • Departure: au Auzat – 09 – Ariège

A difficult but exceptional hike by the panoramas it offers on the Pyrenees Ariégeoises.
After a steep ascent to the bassiès ponds, you will follow them before rising and reaching the Pic de Cabanatous, a lookout offering a 360-degree view from Tarbésou to Mount Vallier.

Izourt Pond

  • Distance: 6.73km Positive level – 520m Negative level -526m Duration 3h10 Average
  • Departure: au Auzat – 09 – Ariège

Beautiful hike ending with the Izourt Pond with a very nice view. The Izourt Pond is a dam lake with a tragic history (read on site, commemorative plaque).
Two paths can be taken to go to Izourt Pond: the left bank or the right bank of the creek. The trip is on the right bank of Arties Creek and the return will be on the left bank slope.

Etang Izourt
Port de Siguer

Blaou Pond and Siguer Harbour

  • Distance: 22.03km Positive level – 1532m Negative level -1532m Duration 9h55 Difficult Difficult
  • Departure: to Siguer – 09 – Ariège

It takes about 6 hours to get to Blaou Pond. Easy route to the Peyregrand Hut where you just have to follow the Yellow marking. In the plain of the hut, the markings are more or less erased and the marking is easily lost. It is then found at the beginning of the final climb where it is quite easy to see the cairns and yellow markings.
Great fun once at the pond where there is no one and the scenery is beautiful.

Artax Pond Loop

  • Distance: 10.56km Positive level – 973m Negative level -961m Duration 5h20 Average
  • Departure: in Gourbit – 09 – Ariège

Beautiful loop from the village of Gourbit.
Passage through the artax pond (Artats), the Roc de Querquéou and the Lastris pass.
The view, approaching 1900m, is a feast for the eyes.

étang artax
loisir randonnée Ariège

The Blue Pond

  • Distance: 9.68km Positive level – 791m Negative level -786m Duration 4h40 Average
  • Departure: Rabat-les-Three-Lords – 09 – Ariège

This high-altitude hike gives an accurate view of the high Mountains of Ariège and its high-perched ponds. This small pond set in a quiet site has an immediate charm.

Loop of the Peak of the Three Lords

  • Distance: 10.19km Positive level – 807m Negative level -798m Duration 4h50 Average
  • Departure: Suc-et-Sentenac – 09 – Ariège

Tour hiking in a beautiful landscape bathed in a calm and soothing atmosphere. This loop will delight lovers of calm as well as those wishing to reconnect with nature.

boucle du pic des 3 seigneurs
activité balade Ariège

Artigue Waterfalls

  • Distance: 2.93km Positive level – 176m Negative level -180m Duration 1:15 Easy
  • Departure: au Auzat – 09 – Ariège

A walk to the artigue waterfalls.

Pique d’Estats (3144m) and Montcalm (3077m)

  • Distance: 16.58km Positive level – 2047m Negative level -2049m Duration 9:35 Very difficult Very difficult
  • Departure: au Auzat – 09 – Ariège

This high-mountain hike takes you to the two iconic peaks of the Vicdessos valley in Ariège: the Pique d’Estats and the Montcalm!

The Montcalm (3077m) is the first “3000” of the Pyrenees coming from the Mediterranean and the Pique d’Estats (3143m) is the summit of Catalonia which explains their symbolic character.

randonnée en haute montagne Ariège
Pic de cabanatous

Canabatous Peak – Alate Pond

  • Distance: 9.28km Positive level – 674m Negative level -674m Duration 4h15 Average
  • Departure: au Aulus-les-Bains – 09 – Ariège

This hike, accessible to all, offers a taste of the high mountains. After the Labant Pond, the route leads to the Pic de Cabanatous, a wonderful lookout on the Bassiès Ponds and, beyond that, on the great peaks of Ariège. On the way back, the Alate Pond will be the place for a small stop before reaching the Port of Saleix, a very important old communication route promoting trade between the Couserans and the Vicdessos.

Alate Pond

  • Distance: 6.88km Positive level – 482m Negative level -482m Duration 3h05 Average
  • Departure: au Aulus-les-Bains – 09 – Ariège

A beautiful blue pond at the foot of Mount Garias in granite with, during the climb, a beautiful view of Mount Valier

faire de la randonnée Ariège
plateau de girantes

Girantes Plateau via Labant Pond

  • Distance: 5.53km Positive level – 282m Negative level -281m Duration 2h15 Easy
  • Departure: au Aulus-les-Bains – 09 – Ariège

Loop around Coumebière with beautiful views of the surrounding peaks. It will allow you to discover the Pond of Labant, an old mine and the plateau of Girantes, not so flat as its name might suggest, all at the foot of the 1975m of Mount Ceint.

Garbettou Circus and Garbet Pond

  • Distance: 7.09km Positive level – 565m Negative level -561m Duration 3h20 Average
  • Departure: au Aulus-les-Bains – 09 – Ariège

The climb is divided into two stages: the Cirque de Garbettou, with easy access, with its waterfall and streams, and the steeper and stony climb to the Garbet Pond, with its turquoise blue reflections, waterfall and sometimes snow.

Jasse du cirque de Garbettou
Tour du Pic de Malcaras

Tour of Malcaras Peak and its Ponds

  • Distance: 20.93km Positive level – 1520m Negative level -1898m Duration 2 days Very difficult Very difficult Very difficult
  • Departure: au Auzat – 09 – Ariège

Beautiful tour in two days through beautiful mountain landscapes. Thirteen ponds on the program with a small chairlift ride on the second day. Enough to fill the most difficult.

Soulcem Pond – Fourcat Pond

  • Distance: 8.33km Positive level – 1251m Negative level -410m Duration 5h20 Very difficult Very difficult
  • Departure: au Auzat – 09 – Ariège

A magnificent hike in high Ariège in a grandiose site. On the program of this day, the Picot Ponds and the two Fourcat Ponds, who quickly forget the intense efforts that had to be made during the climb.

promenade marche à pied Ariège
Troisieme Etang du Picot

The 4 ponds of Picot

  • Distance: 10.22km Positive level – 982m Negative level -973m Duration 5h15 Average
  • Departure: au Auzat – 09 – Ariège

A beautiful hike in the mounicou valley (Soulcem) that invites contemplation of 4 little-visited ponds.
The goal of the day is the discovery of the 4 ponds of Picot! If the first 2 are rather anecdotal, the 3rd and 4th have a charm that acts as soon as you discover them and reward you for the efforts then made.

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